Training on Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) & Christmas Celebration 2022

Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) Learn About Personal Data Protection and Celebrates Christmas

The Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) staff came together on 14th December 2022 for a festive celebration, complete with a delicious buffet lunch, organized by SMF Secretary-General Mr Lawrence Pek. The celebration provided an opportunity for the staff to bond and enjoy the festive season together.

However, the celebration was not just limited to good food and festive cheer. The SMF also prioritised data protection, with a training session on the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) by Momentum Z. The session aimed to educate the staff on the importance of protecting personal data and their obligations under the PDPA. The PDPA is a critical piece of legislation in Singapore that regulates the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data by organizations. Understanding the responsibilities under the PDPA is essential for organizations to ensure they are compliant and to protect the privacy rights of individuals.

The SMF's commitment to data protection was further highlighted by a presentation by the SMF's Data Protection Officer, who shared the organization's Data Plan. The Data Plan demonstrated the SMF's commitment to protecting the personal data of its members and ensuring compliance with the PDPA.

The SMF's Christmas celebration and PDPA training session was a testament to the organization's commitment to both its staff and the manufacturing industry in Singapore. The celebration provided an opportunity for the staff to come together and enjoy the festive season, while the PDPA training session provide training on PDPA Awareness to SMF staff to avoid financial and reputational damages.


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