As new cosmetic products are being launched into the market each day, the concerns for its safety and stability are very important for consumers.
As new cosmetic products are being launched into the market each day, the concerns for its safety and stability are very important for consumers. Therefore, they are required to be regularly tested as part of the manufacturing process so as to its safety and quality assurances are met.
This can be achieved through the evaluation of the anti-microbial protection of a cosmetic product through standards (e.g. ISO 11930:2012) which comprises of a preservation efficacy test and a procedure for evaluating the overall anti-microbial protection of at least a moderate risk cosmetic product. Guidelines on stability testing of a cosmetic products ensures that a new or modified product meets the intended physical, chemical and microbiological quality standards as well as functionality and aesthetics when stored under appropriate conditions.
This workshop attracted a total of 27 participants from 14 organizations from various cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies. It aimed to help quality and regulatory officers, clinical researchers and research scientists as well as laboratory managers and technical officers to be familiarized with the procedures involved in evaluating the anti-microbial protection and the different types of stability tests required for a cosmetic product.
Dr Nicole Ling, aiming to help participants familiarized with the various stability tests for a cosmetic product.