Go Green SG 2023: How to Transform Manufacturing to meet Net Zero?

SMF CSO and ACE Mr Clement Teo was one of the panellists discussing "Go Green SG 2023: How to Transform Manufacturing to meet Net Zero?".

Eurocham and Heineken

SMF CSO and ACE Mr Clement Teo (second from right) was one of the panellists at an event co-organised by Eurocham Singapore and Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) Pte Ltd.


SMF CSO and ACE Mr Clement Teo is honoured to be invited as one of the panellists discussing "Go Green SG 2023: How to Transform Manufacturing to meet Net Zero?" at the event co-organised by EuroCham Singapore and Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) Pte Ltd on 27 July 2023.


Alongside a distinguished panel comprising Mr Lim Tuang Liang, Government Chief Sustainability Officer / Deputy Secretary (Special Duties) at the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment and Ms Patricia Lee, Corporate Affairs Director at Asia Pacific Breweries (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Mr Teo shared his thoughts on the manufacturing sector's sustainability journey and the latest technologies available to bring them further along their sustainability journey. 


The SMF thanks EuroCham Singapore and Asia Pacific Breweries Singapore for the invite!

To view more photos, go to the SMF's Linkedin page: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/smfederation_sustainability-thingswedosmf-paneldiscussion-activity-7090693718126596096-U9zU?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_android

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