Virtual Fireside Conversation with NTU Students

Together with Nanyang Technological University (NTU), the Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) held the “Fireside Conversation on Future of Manufacturing with Lawrence Pek” webinar on 17 August 2021.


This fireside conversation serves as a platform for NTU students to ask SMF Secretary-General Mr Lawrence Pek about the manufacturing sector in Singapore, the future of manufacturing in post-COVID era, and the current technological advancements that will require a skilled workforce from the Institutes of Higher Learning such as NTU.

The webinar kick-started with a welcome address by Ms Emmeline Lam, who is the Senior Director for International Networks and Strategic Development in the SMF, followed by remarks from NTU’s Deputy Director of Career and Attachment Office Mr Desmond Woo.

Mr Pek then gave a lecture on “The Future of Manufacturing” where emphasis will be on sustainability, GiG economy, digitalisation, block chain, and advanced manufacturing in the near future. He went on to explain that companies have in fact expedited their digitalisation journey due to the pandemic. New social distancing measures and border closures make remote working and automation increasingly relevant. As such, a skilled workforce is required to operate and further enhance technologies to help companies move along in this journey towards Industry 4.0.

Mr Pek then engaged with students during the Q&A session, which was moderated by NTU’s Career Consultant Mr Leo Tan. It was clear from their queries that they were enthusiastic about the manufacturing industry, with some enquiring about Mr Pek's manufacturing experience and concerns about job opportunities in industries such as precision engineering.

The SMF, through the Global Ready Talent (GRT) programme, will be planning more of such engagements with students in Singapore. Keep a lookout for them!

SMF Secretary-General Mr Lawrence Pek presented on the topic of “The Future of Manufacturing to NTU students.